Book 2: Chapter 10

Can I ask about the pilgrimage to Makkah? (Hajj) [part b]

 I would like to do my Hajj soon, Insha’Allāh. Could you summarise for me the things I need to do?

Here is a brief description as to what you should do each day.[1]

Day 1: 8th Dhul Hijjah

Staying in Mina

Mina starts here. The tented city, Mina, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Mina starts here. The tented city, Mina, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

What is done, on day one?

  • Day one happens on the 8th day of the month of Dhul Hijjah;

  • Before arriving in Mina ensure that:

    • You are in ihrām

    • You went to the miqāt

  • On this day you assemble with pilgrims from all over the world, in the Valley of Mina;

  • The Mina assembly is an important rite of Hajj but, if you couldn’t make it on time, Hajj is still valid so long as you reach Arafat the next day;

    • While in Mina, the pilgrims stay in tents;

  • For the period of the Hajj, Mina is a gigantic tented city;

  • Perform all your salāh within the boundary of the Valley of Mina;

  • For Dhuhr, Asr and Isha, shorten each salāh to two rak`ah, but do them at their proper times. In other words, shorten them but do not join them;

  • Magrib and Fajr are read as normal;

  • Throughout the day repeat the talbiya and make supplications to Allāh;

  • Avoid engaging in time wasting talk.

Day 2: 9th Dhul Hijjah

Staying in Arafāt

arafat by konevi on 14.25.20.jpg
  • What do you do, on day two?

  • After sunrise, start leaving Mina to go to the plain of Arafah;

  • Once you get to Arafah, you can settle yourself down and start `ibādah (worship);

  • Arafah day is the greatest and most precious day of your life;

  • At noon there will be a khutbah (sermon), which you should try to listen to;

  • Then do Dhuhr and Asr salāh in jamā`ah (congregation);

  • These two salāh should each be shortened to two rak`ahs and joined.

  • They will be read together in jamā`ah with one adhān but TWO iqāmāhs;

  • Throughout this day, maximise your `ibādah, read Qur’ān and make du’a;

  • You may, if you wish, recite talbiya;

  • You will notice that just before maghrib people will be increasing their du’a. This is because this precious day is fast coming to an end;

    • DON’T perform Magrib in Arafah; After sunset, everybody moves to go to Muzdalifah.

      Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said “Allāh does not release more of His slaves from Hell than on the Day of Arafat. He comes closer to man and speaks proudly of them to His angels. He says, ‘What do these slaves of Mine seek?’”

      Sahih Muslim

Day 2 Night: 9th Dhul Hijjah

Staying the night in Muzdalifah

starry-sky-by TeeFarm from

What do you do, on the night of day two?

  • On arrival in Muzdalifah, immediately do Magrib and Isha;

  • They should be read together in jamā`ah with one adhān but TWO iqāmahs;

  • Isha should be qasr (shortened to two rak`āhs);

  • Muzdalifah is a vast open plain. Your stay there should be out in the open, under the stars;

  • Many people collect pebbles while in Muzdalifah to throw at the Jamarāt the next day. There is no obligation to do this, neither is it a known sunnah. Those pebbles can be collected from anywhere;

  • Perform Fajr in Muzdalifah and then make du’a standing facing qiblah;

  • After Fajr but before sunrise, start moving towards Mina;

  • Move speedily when you go through the Valley of Muhassir;

  • It is possible for people with families to leave Muzdalifah early, shortly after midnight.

 Day 3: 10th Dhul Hijjah

Stoning of the large jamarāt

and other rites

jamarat from 14.25.20.jpg

Where should we be, on day three?

  • On arrival in Mina, proceed immediately for the biggest of the Jamarāt and throw seven stones at it;

  • Do not throw all seven at the same time. Throw them one by one;

  • All these days you have been saying talbiya. Now, before the throw of the first stone, you can stop;

  • Say Allāhu Akbar on each throw;

  • You don’t have to hit the Jamarāt directly. Try to hit it but if your stones even go in that general direction, that will be fine;

  • After this, it is time to sacrifice an animal;[2]

  • Then, cut hair or completely shave it off;

  • Remove your Ihrām – wear ordinary clothes;

  • Around the world it is Eid Al Adha. However, for you on Hajj, there is no Eid salāh;

  • Go to al Masjid al Haram and perform Tawāf (Tawāf al-Ifādah);

  • Do Sa’ī between safa and marwah.

Kaaba by ekrem osmanoglu@konevi from 14.25.20.jpeg

 Days 4, 5 and 6

11th, 12th, 13th Dhul Hijjah

The three days of tashrīq and the daily stoning of all the jamarāt

Tented City in Mina by mfk on

Is there more, moving into day four?

Jamarāt in modern times. From right to left, the 1st tent on the bridge covers the small jamarāt, the 2nd, covers the middle, and the 4th covers the large.

  • Spend each of the nights between 10th and 13th Dhul Hijjah in Mina;

  • After Dhuhr on each day go to the Jamarāt and stone all three of them;

  • Start with the smallest one (nearest Makkah) and end with the largest (nearest Mina);

  • Throw seven stones at each of the Jamarāt and on each throw say Allāhu Akbar;

  • After stoning the smaller one, move to its right, face Makkah, raise hands and make a small dua;

  • Do the same for the Middle Jamarāt but this time moving to its left;

  • Stay rational and calm when stoning and throw only the pebbles;

    o   Some people mistakenly believe they are stoning Shaytān himself;

    o   Consequently, they get aggressive and say and do things that are not part of the sunnah;

    o   For example, they may throw larger stones or even shoes, or may start shouting abuse;  

    o   The stoning of the Jamarāt is a remembrance of Allāh. It is just a simple rite of the Hajj that has to be fulfilled;

  • Stoning the Jamarāt should not be delegated to someone else;

  • No du’a is necessary after stoning the final Jamarāt.

  • On 12th Dhul Hijjah, it is possible to leave for Makkah. However, if you deliberately fail to leave the boundaries of Mina before sunset, then you must stay on and perform ramy on the 13th.

Day 6: 13th Dhul Hijjah

(or Day 5: 12th Dhul Hijjah)

Tawāf al Wida (Farewell Tawāf)

Mecca skyline by haidan-from

Day 6. It’s hard to believe, but it’s now time to leave.

  • Day 6 is the last day of the Hajj corresponding with 13th Dhul Hijjah.

    • However, this could also read as Day 5, 12th Dhul Hijjah.

    • Remember, that it was possible to do these rites in Makkah on day 5, if you had left Mina before sunset.

  • On this final day go to al Masjid al Haram in Makkah and perform the Farewell Tawaf, know as Tawāf al Wida;

  • Once this is done, you may, if you wish leave Makkah.

The pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj) [part b]


1.      What happens on the first day of Hajj, 8th Dhul Hijjah?

2.      What date do the pilgrims go to Arafāh?

3.      What happens at Arafāh?

4.      Why is the day of Arafāh so special for the pilgrims?

5.      When do the pilgrims stay on the night of 9th Dhul Hjjah?

6.      Name all the events that happen on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah?

7.      In the rest of the world away from the Hajj, what is happening on 10th Dhul Hijjah?

8.      What are the days of tashrīq

Islām around the world

ramy long time back from

Ramy in much earlier times

[1] This is a brief guide only. You should go with a reliable group and take with you authentic guide books, containing comprehensive day by day accounts of the rites to observe on the Hajj. The Hajj guides of the following scholars or writers are particularly recommended: Sheikh Al Albaani, Sheikh Bin Baaz (published in book form), By Sheikh Uthaimeen, Sheikh Sayed and Bilal Phillips (published in book form).

[2] This should be done at this particular stage, and it must happen in Makkah. Nowadays, for reasons of health and safety, all you required to do is purchase a token. The sacrifice is then done by the authorities on your behalf at a slaughterhouse in Makkah.